How to Choose Best Headphones for Running?

How to Choose Best Headphones for Running?

Running is an important part of exercising. It is true that you might not always find the energy and the urge of running after getting out of bed in the morning. And this is where your headphones will come to use. Put on your headphones, your running shoes, your track pants and sweatshirt and you are ready to go. If you are making an excuse of not having the best headphones for running, here are some tips which will help in choosing the best headphone pair for running and exercising:

Choose the type of headphone in which you feel most comfortable

There are different varieties of headphones available in the market. The two most common varieties include in-ear headphones, also known as earplugs and over the ear headphones. Both the varieties can be used while running, but it depends on the choice of the wearer as what he is more comfortable in. Some people opine that earplugs are uncomfortable for extended wearing and hurt the ears as well. Sometimes sweat spots are also formed on the earplugs. On the other hand, over the ear headphones seem heavy and bulky for many. Moreover, they become slippery with sweat while running and become loose-fitting.

Waterproof headphones

Whether you choose headphones or earplugs, it is important to ensure that they are completely waterproof. Perspiration is common while running and if the headphones are not waterproof, the sweat might enter the device and hamper its functioning. Also while training for some events, you might get drenched in rain and that might cause problems in the headphones. Water-resistant or waterproof headphones will be safe from all kinds of damages. There is a silicon layer on the headphones which doesn’t let the sweat enter the interior parts of the device.

Wired or wireless headphones

With advancement of technology, headphones are improving as well. Along with wired headphones, now wireless headphones for running are also available. It is evident from the name of the headphone that there are no wires in the wireless version. Usually, the wireless headphones run on Bluetooth technology. Generally while running, the wires in headphones tend to get entangled. This is the reason most people now prefer to settle for the wireless version. The only thing is that the wireless headphones are expensive when compared to the wired versions.

Sound quality

While choosing a headphone for running, you must not compromise with the sound quality at all. You should be able to get clear sound with a bass preferably. Good quality sound is highly motivational and inspiring. Therefore, it is important that you don’t accept a headphone that does not come with poor sound quality. However, safety is also a concern when you are running outdoors. Thus the headphones should not cancel all surrounding sounds as it might cause accidents. The sounds should be controlled in the best manner.

Durable within affordable range

Durability is a key factor while choosing running headphones. This is because these headphones will be subjected to harsh conditions like sunlight, strong wind, cold weather and even rain. The device should b able to ensure the onslaughts of nature successfully and function without any problem.

Along with durability, affordability is also an important factor to consider. Headphones are available in varying price ranges. Choose the one that fits in snugly in your budget and is comfortable and good at the same time.

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