
Are you a true music lover?

Are you a true music lover?

The true nature of the dedicated music lover can only be understood by the music lover himself/herself.  To many, music is 'be all and end all' of life. Music is a way to educate, heal and elevate your spirits. A break from from the daily grind, a reliever of the pressure of work and general stress - music is a way to inner solace. Here are ten points that will convince you if you are a...

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How to Choose the Best Noise Cancelling Headphones

How to Choose the Best Noise Cancelling Headphones

The waves of tranquillity when you are plugged into your headphones are unmatchable but sadly that happens as our choice of selecting the headphones always play the disgust. To this note, choosing a headphone that fills all the necessary loopholes and makes your life serene after plugging in a headphone is the quest. Well to your rescue, noise cancelling headphones come as the best bet. But it is better to...

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Do Your Headphones Hurt Your Ears?

Do Your Headphones Hurt Your Ears?

We've all experienced it - buying a cheap pair of headphones to tie us over until we can afford some a little more luxurious. And after only a short time of wearing them, we start to feel that dull, sore ache in our ear. It's usually the result of poor fitting ear tip that is either too big, too small, or a material that irritates our ears. Don't worry, we...

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3 Best Wireless Headphones to buy in 2017

3 Best Wireless Headphones to buy in 2017

Wireless devices are gaining a lot of popularity in today’s technology driven world. Nowadays wireless devices have become a necessity rather than luxury. One of these wireless devices is wireless headphones that are extremely convenient to use. The technology of wireless headphones has been embraced by many people right from working professionals to housewives due to the various benefits it offers. One can get rid of the traditional wired headphones...

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