What Your Personality Says About Your Music Taste

What Your Personality Says About Your Music Taste
Whether you're centre of the mosh pit at a heavy metal concert or you're chilling in a coffee shop listening to Spotify's 'Deep House Relax' playlist, psychologists have discovered that your taste in music actually says a lot about your personality...
Are you good at empathizing? Good with people and understanding their emotions? Have a desire to help? These kind of people typically have a music taste that is exclusive to mellow, sensual, and reflective listening.
Perhaps you're an emotional being who enjoys soppy movies and a good cry. Emotional people do in fact prefer music and songs that bring on intense emotional feelings... Similar to when your relationship fell apart in high school so you went home and listened to Kelly Clarkson's 'Because of You'....
If you're logical, and not quite so in touch with your emotional side, you probably prefer music with a bit more pace and energy. Whether that be Drum n' Bass or Heavy Rock, you'd choose it any day over crying over your crush while eating a bowl of ice cream. You actually have a pretty strong temper on you, too...
Perhaps you're a musicians yourself? Musicians typically prefer music of the Rock and Punk genre where they can pick out all the different elements of a song; you have the ability to single out that awesome guitar solo and appreciate it as a masterpiece all by itself. You're probably pretty creative yourself, too...