Why exactly is it that music sounds better through headphones? This is the question that everybody asks but no-one seems to be able to put their finger on! We'll try to answer it here with our unique 1MORE UK take on it. . .Read, take note and enjoy your listening!
[1] IT'S A TOTALLY INVOLVING MUSICAL EXPERIENCE. It's a more intimate affair! It's just you and the music. It is fed straight into your ears and the effect is wholly enveloping. Nothing gets in the way of you and the music and - most importantly - there are no distractions!
[2] YOU HEAR MORE DETAIL. Little things in the recording that you haven't noticed previously - such as a high hat cymbal part or an added grace note in the bass line - are now bought to the fore. It brings you further into the music in a way that you simply haven't experienced before, and all in a gloriously wide stereo representation. And remember, the better quality the headphones the better you experience this!
[3] YOU ESCAPE TO YOUR OWN WORLD. The world which we all have to share is busy, crowded, stressful and often time consuming. Listening to music on the commute to work, or coming home from a stressful day in the office and putting your favourite tunes on your favourite headphones helps us to relax. Music and relaxation go hand in hand and the restorative power of music should never be underestimated!
[4] MUSIC IS THE UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE. And when it is communicated clearly, directly and emotionally - as it is through quality headphones - it can literally be life changing. We'd like to think we bring cultural enrichment, joy and personal well being to the world. We want to make it a happier, better place - and what could be more rewarding than that?